The objectives of this talk are to come to like your Vim more and more to increase your productivity with Vim. I will talk way to go forward to next step vimrc from vimrc build on many copy-and-past. It’s composed of two parts by my viewpoint. One part describes how to glow your vimrc. As you know Vim is so powerful and attractive editor. However, we have to learn how to use it. I will describe my way to glow my vimrc in this part. Another part is to explain a case of my vimrc. It includes not only what options/plugins/scripts in vimrc are used but also why I introduce them. You will be able to obtain some hints to step into Vim’s wonder world after listening to this session.
He has worked as a backend-enginner with Elixir, Go and Ruby. His contribution to Vim in recent years is cooperating to hold VimConf as one of the members of VimConf staff, and he was chairperson in VimConf 2017/2018. His favorite hobbies are developing a hobby-operating system in (C, nasm and) Rust and publishing some hobby-techbooks that related to operating system.
In this presentation, I would like to talk about the history of my Vim user side to the Vim plugin developer side, as well as the changes in my feelings towards Vim. I give you new values for Vim.
He is an undergraduate student. He has been using Vim for about 2 years, and sent a lot of pull requests to some Vim plugins as part of OSS development activities. He also belongs to vim-jp and contributes to the Japanese translation of vimdoc-ja.
Introduces the tag stack, a useful feature for jumping between files using ctags and helptags. There is no problem even if ctags cannot be used or not supported. Since the tag stacks can be manipulated from Vim scripts, the same behavior can be implemented using LSP(Language Server protocol) etc. This talk will also explain how to manipulate the tag stack from Vim script.
This talk describes testing of Vim.
We can easily run the test of vim by typing make test
, however, there
might be few people who have actually run the test. In this session, I’d
like to talk about how to run the test, how the test works and so on.
Writing Vim’s test will help you to understand Vim script deeply and reduce
review time of PR.
Want to start using Vim at work but worried about your productivity? When I started using Vim at work, it was a bumpy ride but over time, I made certain changes to my Vim workflow which made the journey smoother and finally I got to a point where I now comfortably use Vim at work for all my writing.
Vim is an amazing tool. In fact, there are tons of plugins to make our life easier! However, do you ever wonder how much you can do with Vim without plugins? In this talk we’re going to explore amazing things we can do in Vanilla Vim like autocomplete, browsing files, snippets, file search, and more!
Software Engineer at Quipper Indonesia. He has been using Vim since 3 years ago. He loves vim at the first sight. He’s also member of small community of Vim Indonesia. Now, it’s small but growing fast!
I’m going to talk about how I use these plugins to be able to write code effectively as a professional programmer.
quickrun, vimshell, unite (+neomru), deoplete (+neosnippet), tabpagebuffer/tabpagecd, lexima, open-browser, fontzoom, gina, nclipper, surround, caw, cursorword
My presentation may be the last. So I need to speak the development history.
I have been developed Vim plugins over 10 years. I talk about my plugins development history and current development thoughts.
He is called as “Dark Vim master(暗黒美無王)” pronounced as “Uncock Vim Awe”. He has developed popular Vim plugins over 10 years. He has sent some patches to Vim/neovim.
He think text editor is everything in the world. He wants to do everything in Vim(neovim) like Emacs. It is not allowed by “design-not” in Vim. It is not the light way to use Vim. So he has defined it as the dark way. He is the dark Vimmer. His plugins are dark powered.
私の仕事はWebサービスのチャットサポートです。 そして、お客様からの質問に対して回答を作るときには、いつもVimを使っています。 ノーマルモードは私の回答速度を最大限に高めてくれます。スニペットは定型文を迅速に呼び出します。 .vimrcに仕込んだマッピングは考えるよりも先にタイピングを発動し、自作の関数は直感的なファイル名を付与する助けになってくれます。 毎日のチャットサポートにおいて、どのようにVimを使用しているのか、その日常的な光景を紹介したいと思います。
私は今年(2019年)にdeoplete-vim-lspというプラグインを作りました。 これはLanguage Serverから提供される補完候補をdeoplete上に表示するための補完ソースです。 このプラグインは初めて私が作成した実用的なプラグインです。 200行にも満たないPythonコードで構成されたこの小さなプラグインは、その小ささからは考えられない破格のUXをもたらし、仕事に欠かせないものになっています。 なぜこのプラグインがこれほどのUXをもたらすのか考えた時、deoplete-vim-lspを成り立たせるための背景。つまり多くの開発者たちの努力を感じました。 本発表では、deoplete-vim-lspの動作の仕組みを説明し、その仕組みを成り立たせるための多くの要素、deopleteやNeoVimのリモートプラグイン、vim-lspやLanguage Server Protocolなどを一つ一つ紐解いてゆき、この小さなプラグインは、どれほどの多くの要素で構成されているのか、その裏側にはどれほど多くの開発者と見えない繋がりがあったのかをお話したいと思います。
私が現在、誠意開発中の静的型付きプログラミング言語「Time script」の概要について発表します。
まったく実用的ではありませんが, はじめての Vim のプラグインを Go で書いてみました。 はじめてプラグインを作るにあたって躓いたところと, 今後実現させていきたいことを簡単にお話しします。 タイトルはプラグインの目的です。
Vimは高機能なテキストエディタであるばかりか、その機能はVimをバッチモードで起動し、Vim scriptを通じて利用できます。 つまりVimはヘッドレスなテキストエディタ、つまりテキストを操作するプロセッサでもあります。 このLTではリファクタリングなどのテキスト整形に役立つVimの活用方法について手短にお伝えします。